Opportunity Youth
To address the nearly 27,000 youth currently not working or not in school, Seeding Success, county government, key workforce development institutions, and organizations with an Opportunity Youth focus partnered with Mayor Jim Strickland and city administration to develop an OY strategic plan. The goal is to increase system capacity and reconnect 20,000 16 to 24-year-olds to an education credential, living-wage job, and supportive services through a robust, coordinated, yet diverse system of re-engagement pathways and programs by 2025.
Opportunity Youth Implementation Partners
The Collective Blueprint
The Collective Blueprint strives to eliminate barriers to and create new avenues toward economic self-sufficiency for young adults. The nonprofit organization educates and advocates on behalf of young adults, and works with schools, employers and community stakeholders to establish career pathways and ensure equitable access to support, resources, and opportunities that allow young adults between the ages of 18 and 30 to thrive.
Workforce Investment Network
The Workforce Investment Network (WIN) Youth Services Department offers educational and career development programs for eligible youth between the ages of 18 to 24. WIN equips youth with the tools they need to succeed in today’s workforce through effective and comprehensive education and employment preparation services. Partnering with employers and a network opportunity youth service providers to improve system supply, quality, coordination, and access.